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Corporate Operating Experience Program

DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Collection

DOE Corporate Lessons Learned Collection: The Lessons Learned portion of the Corporate OE Program is modeled after the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Significant Event Evaluation and Information Network (SEE-IN) program currently used by the commercial nuclear power industry. The Corporate Operating Experience Program Lessons Learned products are:

  • Department of Energy Lessons Learned Database: Jump to Login Page.

  • Special Operations Reports (SORs): This corporate OE product provides information on significant ES&H issues applicable DOE-wide that require corrective action. SOR's REQUIRE contractors to take Action and report the results to DOE Headquarters.

  • Environment, Safety and Health Alerts (SAs): Provide information on ES&H issues requiring immediate attention, such as safety-related Suspect Counterfeit and Defective Items. Action Required. Operating contractors should take action specified and must report back to DOE Headquarters with positive or negative findings.

  • Special Reports (SRs): This corporate OE product delineates significant ES&H trends DOE-wide that may require corrective action. Action is Recommended, Applicability Determined by Recipient, Unless Otherwise Stated.

  • Environment, Safety and Health Bulletins (SBs): This corporate OE product provides information on potentially significant ES&H issues that require management awareness and/or with longer term impacts. Action is Recommended. Operating contractors should take the recommended actions, and must report back to DOE Headquarters with positive or negative findings of applicability.

  • Environment, Safety and Health Advisory (SAd). This Corporate Operating Experience Product is issued on an as-needed basis when our analysis of operating experience data shows an event or trend that warrants senior Headquarters and field manager awareness but whose safety significance does not warrant an SOR, SA, or SB. An SAd highlights important environment, safety, and health issues for senior management attention and potential action. No response to an SAd is required.

  • Operating Experience Summaries: This bi-weekly OE product is intended for supervisors and workers. The summaries provide: 1) information associated with an adverse occurrence or aggregate of similar occurrences, 2) causes, and 3) prevention measures. The product is provided for worker safety meetings, and action by the reader during their daily work activities.

  • Just-In-Time Operating Experience Reports: This OE product provides Training/ Briefing material for first line supervision and workers on topics to aid pre-job preparation and work execution.

  • Suspect/Counterfeit & Defective Items: Links to the Suspect/Counterfeit & Defective Items web pages (registration required). This page provides information on suspect/counterfeit or defective items that may have DOE applicability, and is intended for information and action by the reader as appropriate.

This page was last updated on January 05, 2007

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